


日期:2023年11月10日 上午8:52編輯:Annie






The London, San Francisco,Tokyo,Singapore,and next week the Shanghai and so on. Now the reason why I mentioned all these places is because all the places I have been to, not only would I spend time to invite companies to come to Hong Kong. I also try if I can talk to the policymakers to regulate this and the industry leaders at those places. Now, so here's my conclusion so far based on all these trips and all these conversations.


Now, if we were to, in a way, summarize all the opportunities around digital assets, down to a few key opportunities. So that true that consistently being ranked as the highest and most promising vehicles or opportunities going forward.


Number one, the tokenization of real world assets is almost consistently across the different places been to. Everyone is just really, beg a big on this.


The second one is stable coin. At first, some people might not realize how big this can be. This, after all, you look at the market cap of the major stable coin today, you're talking about roughly 200 billion US, is just tiny right? in the grand small things. But the impact is huge, which I will explain shortly.


Now, at the same time, we also work with a lot of folks, particularly for mainland China, knowing that Hong Kong has this embracing policy that we have hosted a lot of in the international and the mainland delegations moving down to the Hong Kong to show us what they've been planning.


Now so that there are three things I want to elaborate a little bit. Now, first of all, going back to the tokenization of real world assets, naturally, you talk about 2 streams. One stream is the STO, which we talk about today. The second would be the non securities kind of real world asset tokenization. Now, for STO the one thing that's also consistent across different people within different countries that I talk to,now everybody looking at this as a new channel to do fundraising, but then people would think, well, there's just so many fund raising channels already. So why bother to do another one? Right? The STO.


But the interesting thing is that we're looking at, perhaps, again, this is not definitive. It's more like a number to put things with perspective. We were looking at the middle section of fund raising anywhere, roughly between 10 millions US to 200 millions US.So that's the kind of range which is neither,well,served by the Angel,the early stage investors, the VC.Now, while you're going IPO, the naturally you can also exchange and so on.


But somewhere in the middle,typically, you either go to the growth stage,VC,or you might have some good relationships with the banks. You can get some project financing.But what if you are not one of those high flying, sexy tech projects like AI,well I think that VC channel may not work. Now, and what if you are some somewhat risky, right? By definition of banks, you're also not very high-tech. Then in some ways, I think you're kind of stuck that the banks will not offering you financing, too.


That's why I think for that kind of middle section,is where this is almost like a vacuum. It's not just about Hong Kong.I went to London,is the same thing. So naturally,either you saw this by having the growth stage,VC,or this new channel of STO comes to the play.


Now you may ask what kind of projects will fit in this category? Let me show you one example.Now, for example, the aircraft financing. Now aircraft financing is nothing new,but at the same time, when we talk to some of the companies interested to sell in Hong Kong in which they would like to raise money via spv then using STO is one of the channels for them to raise money, so that they have enough capital to essentially buy the planes in Hong Kong and then rents the planes back to mainland China,to the airlines and so forth.


Now you might ask, so why would this kind of project be interesting project for STO? Now, so that comes in another conversation and that type of conversations we have had for quite some time. Now on the one hand, we have to think about digital assets, do you think about the hockey stick,wow,the crypto, right? The super new, the dogy coin, right? The kind of crazy increase the prices, but this is not something Hong Kong is really encouraging. Right? We are really looking for digitalization to help the real world assets and real world economy.


Now,when we think about the investment appetites, just think about it, a lot of defend offices, the large institutional investors, they may not be as interested to invest into the highly speculative assets. Even though they do, they would not put a big sum of their asset allocation in those kinds of speculative assets.


Therefore, they're really looking for some kind of steady, something that they can understand. But at the same time is a new way for them to participate in this kind of new investment opportunities. That's why something like aircraft leasing. You can use easily to the math at the same time, something that it's easy to understood.


Now, while you're able to distribute it in different way where the entry barrier may not be as high, this is just one example that we have seen that's already gaining some transaction.So that's the security token side.


Then again, the real world asset is like the whole new ball game. So we've talked to companies in Europe, for example, Tomas and gold.In Hong Kong, we just announced a project in which they tokenized intellectual property in the form of the Titanic, the IP of Titanic.In mainland China, people are talking about how about tokenizing data by tracking the data and then they spend.So who can see the original rights, the ownership for the data, for subsequent selling or rental.


There's just whole host of different use cases beyond securities in the world, in the form of real world assets. So this is super exciting. I mean the sky is limited. So this is the first part.


Now, just quickly touch on the other part about stable coin, I know this may not be the main topics today, but this is also equally important. There's a lot of times when folks talk about tokenized real world assets the STO. How do you buy them? It's supposedly on chain. So you have to have the digital currency in the form of, for example, stablecoin to pay for it. The whole transaction can be on chain. So therefore, this is also a good use case where stablecoin can be used to pay for those future investment opportunities.


Now, at the same time, we also have talked to quite a lot of folks quickly and think about what was the use case. There's specifically well fit for Hong Kong. And that is how about cross border payments? Now we'll think about the cross border payments in China. That alone is like 7 trillions US dollar market, because as many of you know,China manufacturer stuff,they shipped and then sell the reservoir, they had to get money back. There's a lot of remittances of kind of use cases.


Now and then just think about it. This is like $7 trillions. Today they're using the regular so called the banking realms. But now, if stablecoin become mainstream, that can be used as a much faster, low cost way to facilitate cross border payment. This is huge, just China alone 7 trillions. So the 200 billions of the circle the title we just basically paled by comparison. So that's why you have that, too. That is also very exciting.


Now at last but not least another trend we see which basically tied a lot of things together, is just enormous demand as we can see this year. There are a lot of mainland Chinese companies are now trying to use Hong Kong as a base to what they call“出海” to go international. And naturally they use Hong Kong as space to do that.


Now well they need the capital. So not everybody is the greedy of IPO. For those they want to come to Hong Kong and that kind of middle section kind of for fund raising needs. STO could be an interesting and a viable way for them to raise that capital to help them to go international. This is huge because we told so many people from mainland China. They are coming.


Therefore I'm just so excited that now the stars are all lines, so thanks for being so patient to wait for this come. But then I'm sure that these highways and pays paying off. So I sort of hope that I think the most of you are industry leaders will be doing this for a long time. I just hope that what I just shared and hopefully enlighten you and stimulate more thinking. So they can think about other ways to basically contribute to these movements. And we beg that Hong Kong as the future deserve as and how, as the financial secretary has announced at the FinTech week last year. So thank you so much.






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